#1: Thinking of Life as a Game


Practical Quick Tips for Staying Productive at Work


Thinking of Life as a Game 

By: Allan Vayman

Sometimes it helps to think of life, and thus life at work, as a game.  Consider it something that you are out to master.  A platform where you are trying to build up your skills and attributes to make it to the next stage.  Not something that you would approach with the reckless abandon of some videogame, knowing that you have an infinite amount of lives or failures to be made, but where every rejection or ‘no’ you encounter makes you come back stronger and more skilled.   In thinking of life as a game you are using the strengths intrinsic to your character to creatively find ways to reach a new top score, or in other words, a new level of achievement.  Shifting the way you think of life to that of a game you are committed to mastering can help you sustain a competitive and productive spirit at work.  It will also detach you from the weight with which the challenges in front of you can carry.

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